Friday 28 September 2018

Last day and last post

After 10 weeks, my time here is done. Spent last night with Fi and was first time we were alone for some time, so we revelled.

Mandatory catch up at Davy's, then I cooked Beef Wellington and all trimmings.

Yummy dinner

Fully sated we played music and chatted until wee hours.

Up today to pack and Fi has day off. Been a hoot and until I return ciao.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

London on foot

With my holiday winding down it was time to do a bit of London. Met Fi for lunch in Paddington then I wandered off through Hyde Park back towards Westminter. Glorious day and lots of people enjoying the first days of Autumn.

Serpentine with some strange installation

Continued on my way and then added St James Park into my travels. Stopped for a rest there and then made my way back towards Buckingham Palace Road.

Westminster Cathedral

Caught up with Leann's friend Meghan at B Bar where the others all assembled for dinner. Nice evening and then it was a tube and train home for a well needed rest. Managed 16,000 steps in my afternoon wanderings so today I am catching up here.

Last 2 days of holidays now but I have decided to come back for Xmas. Not sure what I am thinking but if there is a chance of a white one then it may be ok!

Monday 24 September 2018

Porto to London

Up Saturday saw Dave and I separate from the girls who had decided that retail therapy was in order. So off we wandered around Porto enjoying a random explore. As you can imagine in a nation that is over 85% catholic there were plenty of churches.

We looked in a couple and found this one St Benedict Victory.

St Benedict Victory

From there we meandered around and saw huge lines outside the bookshop which was some inspiration for JK Rowling for Harry Potter. Not sure the owner has sold a book in years but coining it charging the queues of people 4 Euro to enter! He/She should thank her everyday.

The other inspiration we saw was groups of students wanderin around in diffeent colours being chaperoned by older students with the capes on. Can see how she got the idea for Hogwarts.

Besides that, Porto architecture is amazing with rows of tiled houses, some in absolute mint condition.

Tiled buildings

So after our meander we met the girls at a small restaurant for a latish lunch and from there they went on to more retail therapy, whilst Dave and I had a beer then made our way back down exploring nooks and crannys.

A refreshment stop for a wine brought us home where we met up. Our last night was spent overlooking the river for dinner, and the company was fantastic.

Bern and Sangria

Back to the fantastic apartment for some late night chats saw us up on Sunday to come home. Sadly we left Dave and Bern, and made our way to airport for 2 hour flight back to London.

Arrived to cold London day after a week in sun, so had to stop at Davys before arriving home. Leann had her mother and niece come in the morning from South Africa and they were out. They arrived back late and after a quick catch up it was off to a welcome bed.

Fi has gone off to work, the South Africans have gone for a walk, and I am revelling in peace. Guess it will ramp up a bit later and looking foward to a home cooked meal tonight.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Porto days

Porto is wonderful and we have done A fair bit in our days. Walked the river and crossed the beautiful old Luis I bridge on top and bottom.

Luis I bridge

Had lunch on water on day 1, well on day 2 as well! Wednesday night we went to ritzy restaurant Vinum on the hill overlooking Porto. Sumptuous food and naturally had some port.

Small port

Found a Fado restaurant Thursday night and it was an exhilarating experience. The first singer Maria was good, then we were treated to a young guy whose voice was sublime. Could make you cry with his plaintive notes.

Could not understand but did not need to.

Fado night

In any case we spent yesterday on personal wine tour up Douro valley with just us 4, as the boys had gone on to Munich.

Spectacular vineyards and brilliant wines. Great day was had and our guide was so good.

Drouro valley vineyards

A little weary by the time we got home so spent night in. Saturday here so will see how it pans out.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Cascais to Porto

Well Finally and I are on the train to Porto, so I can catch up with the blog.

Cascais was great although our accommodation was not up to scratch. More a glorified backpackers than what we thought. Although we had our own bathroom, the bath was under a roof line so could not stand for shower.

In any case we did second day in Lisbon and it was lovely.


After the day doing the sights we returned to Cascais for second evening and another scrumptious meal in traditional Portuguese style.

Up on Monday, it was time to do Cascais properly. We did long day of walking managing 24,000 steps. Not bad considering it was a glorified pub crawl.

Down first to Boca Do Inferno, which is a natural rock formation.

Boca Do Inferno

Back around town and saw great architecture of the area.

Settled down in afternoon with sangria at a cute bar, before heading home.

Sunshine Sangria

Out for dinner at the Marina after we had a sundowner at the posh Farol Hotel overlooking the Atlantic.

After dinner a couple more then it was up to make our way to Lisbon for the 3 hour train trip to Porto.

Got here and apartment is spectacular overlooking the square and sumptuously appointed. What a change from Cascais.

View from balcony

Bern was there to meet us and later Dave and the boys joined us before we head out for dinner.

Up this morning with no plans except to explore.

Monday 17 September 2018

Cascais and Lisbon quick post

Fi and I flew out to Lisbon on Saturday morning and arrived in Portugal. No car waiting, so cabbed to Cascais.

Quaint accommodation and then in Arco we did a quick recce.

Cascais frontage

Beautiful place and after a sower we found a traditional restaurant close and dined on prawns and pork scallops.

Lisbon yesterday and lots to say but will need better wi Fi.

The bridge

Will do a big update when able, but we have a day exploring before we head to Porto.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Days with Sam

My nephew Sam arrived Monday afternoon after nearly 6 months travel through most of Southern Europe. After he dropped his kit we wandered off into Greenwich town to get his bearings.

Did a quick tour then it was a chat at the Richard III pub.

Sam relaxing

Made our way slowly home via another couple of establishments to await the arrival of the girls. They duly came home and we all sat up and chatted for some time. Dinner occurred somewhere in that  and finally we all tottered off to bed.

Up Tuesday and Sam and I decided on a walk around Greenwich Park. Did the full circuit and enjoyed the scenery, although no deer could be seen, and chats.

View from observatory over Queens House

In any case decided on a lamb roast for dinner so we picked up the fixings and returned home. Sam stepped out to see a mate and I dutifully did a smash up roast with all trimmings. Girls got home but no Sam!

We 3 ended up eating at 8.30 before Sam made his way back and had his heated up! In any case he had a great time.

He was leaving on the Wednesday night so a quick tour of Canary wharf then into town for the Borough Markets. I left him to see some girls he worked with in Australia for lunch and made way home.

Sam took off last night and today sees me tidying up and now in preparation for Fi and I to go to Portugal on Saturday for 8 nights.


Monday 10 September 2018

Dordogne area and chateaus

Saturday saw us all packed into the 9 seater people mover they had hired and with Pete the chauffeur we took off to Sarlat to see the market there. Well it was huge! 8 of us went off in our own directions without working on a meeting point, so this was going to be fun!

When I say huge, I mean we went down the street and it kept going, around a corner it continued as far as eye could see.

Sarlat market

In any case Fi and I had a great look around and caught up with Bob and Pat at one point and set a meeting spot at 1.30 to tell the others if we saw them. After seeing so much including the food and countless pate de fois gras stands we met Bob and Pat but none of us had seen the others.

So we sat down for a coffee then I went back n to locate others. Found Pete and Wendy as the market was clearing at 2.00. We 6 then made our way to a restaurant for lunch and eventually located Don and Vicki.

Well fed on duck (was only choice) we made our way back to car and as the stalls had moved we could actually see the place.

Sarlat architecture

From there we had a country drive and stopped at Cro-Magnon where the bones were found. Nearly lost Bob but he was found safe in a bar with beer in hand!

Returning back to Monpazier was easy and on out return some of us wiled away our time at the square with a welcome beer.

We had a booking at restaurant for that night and at 8.00 we sat down and had a great meal with the local wines.

The area is in Bordeaux so the local wines by carafe were great. I had the rabbit for a main as did 4 other and it was superb.

Back home for a few after dinner drinks saw us all of to bed.

Up Sunday and only 4 of us headed out for day as the others wanted the down time after their first hectic week having had 4 days in Paris before arriving.

Villereal church with 3 bells

Well our first stop was because we saw a large church so Pete the driver was asked to stop. The church has 3 huge bells in tower. There was also an interesting antique market on so naturally we had to stop for a poke around.

Then it was off to Issigeac for another market! Guess you are getting idea of tour director Wendy's plans!

In any case a smaller market than Sarlat, however many of same stallholders! After a bit there we headed off to a medieval town of Beaumont. I am still trying to figure why some are Bastide and some are medieval.

In any case another beautiful place with the defensible church inside the walled town.

Church at Beaumont

Our plan was for lunch but it appears that the French on Sundays close off at 2.00. So we decided to head towards river and hopefully find a larger pace where we could feed.

In any case we headed north and soon fell across a majestic chateau overlooking a valley and perched upon a rock.

Chateau de Bannes

It is a private estate and is majestic. A quick look to get some photos and off we headed towards Lalinde where we expected some sort of eating establishment on river Dordogne.

Again beautiful area but no eatery open anywhere.

Lalinde on the river Dordogne

we commented that with such a lovely river and views a pub/cafe on river would clean up. In any case with the hunger biting we returned to Monpazier where we had tucker!

So with Fi and I having to leave at 6.00 we made up platters and enjoyed wonderful company for a couple of hours.

Quick drive to Bergerac to drop off car and then the quaint airport which is so civilised. Easy through with a bar, so we recapped our days before leaving France

Arrival in London City Airport has helped regain my faith in how travel should be. Quick efficient and w were soon on our way back to Greenwich.

Up today and Fi has gone to work. I am left with the washing etc, but all is good. My nephew Sam is arriving today for a couple of days, so until next time. Au Revoir.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Vive Monpazier

Friday saw us up early for the quick DLR trip to London City Airport. Cute small airport was a dream to get through. Flight to Bergerac (only a tad over hour) was also quick and we picked up hire car.

Bergerac airport is even smaller and we literally did customs in a tin shed!

Anyway a 40 minute drive getting used to wrong side of road brought us to picture postcard Monpazier.

Peter and Wendy and family were out so we let ourselves in and explored town.

Monpazier square
Apparently we missed market day but loved wandering around this old Batiste town.

Back to the 14 th century house after a couple of beers we awaited the crews return.

They arrived and a great night ensued. Fi got on famously and many drinks later we got to bed.

Don, Vicki, Wendy, Bob, Pat,
Peter, Fi, and I

House has 4 bedrooms each with own bathroom, so very comfortable.

Up this morning awaiting our tour director (Wendy) to tell us what we will see today.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Preparing for France

With the weekend past the next weekend sees Fi and I off to Bordeaux region for 3 days. We are looking forward to catching up with Peter and Wendy who are staying in Monpazier for a week, but sadly we only have 2 nights.

So I have been shopping to get a new backpack as my trusty old boy finally had his last trip!

So quietish time although still managing to see my friends at the Mordern.

Locals are strange at the Mordern

In any case I am busily updating new Tom Tom with Europe maps as we will fly into Bergerac airport before heading to see them in Monpazier. Been a while since I drove on right hand side so will se how that all goes.

So next post should be from the beautiful region of Dordogne and we are staying in a 4 bedroom renovated villa that was built in 1353! Wendy's family of dad and mum, and sister and brother-in-law get there today so should be fun.

Monday 3 September 2018

Culture and shows in East London

Been a few days so will catch up after great weekend in town. Fi and I had decided on a weekend getaway in London. Yeah I know we are in London but wanted a special couple of days.

So on Friday I made my way to Aldgate and booked into the Dorsett Hotel. Very nice hotel and extremely well appointed. Right next door to Aldgate station and that means about 200 metres from East Aldgate station! Means you can take 4 lines to get there!

So after booking in I made my way to Dominion Theatre where caught up with Fi and Leah after work. We had booked into the Bat out of Hell show and after meeting up made our way in.

Ok I had to do it!

The show had the worst storyline linking the songs together about some apocalyptic future and there were also plenty of new songs to help with the linking. If you ignored the storyline, the music was wonderful and all the old favourites were done masterfully.

The main singers (about 7) all had great voices and the production was explosive ( I mean stuff blew up). In any case I enjoyed and the girls are still thinking about it!

Afterwards we had a couple of drinks then Leah went her ways and we returned to our hotel where we went to the ground floor bar for a couple more.

Slept in then with a glorious Saturday ahead, Fi and I wandered off to explore. Found a great cafe for brunch then off to Old Spitafield Markets where Fi was in heaven. Really good markets with interesting stuff. Loaded up we made our way to Brick Lane Markets for more retail therapy and I managed to get a couple of new shirts.

Made our way back to hotel area and went down road where we found ourselves at the Tower which is only about 400 yards away! It was time for refreshments so we had a couple at the Minories Pub which is a lovely set up.

Back up to our Hotel and went to the rooftop bar on the premises.

View from roof looking South with Tower Bridge 

Big day and many kilometres travelled we had a scrub up then decided on chinese as Fi had a craving for dumplings. Looked around but settled on the chinese on the first floor of the Hotel. Sikumen was great and perhaps some of the finest chinese we have ever had.

Went the banquet for 2. Seafood dumplings were superb although sadly I only got one of the 8! Made up with it though with the crispy duck pancakes which was also superb, then we had a beef in wine dish, where the beef literally melted in mouth and vegetable dishes followed by a sweet and sour chicken!

Cocktails and dumplings

Great service, fantastic food and for London very well priced at only £30.00 pounds a head! Would recommend.

Fully sated and happy we made our way back up to rooftop to see the view at night then finally to bed at a fairly late time.

Up on Sunday more exploring was in store so we found another market, this time the Petticoat Lane markets, which were sadly dissapointing with lots of trashy stores.

Continuing on our way we wandered down to the Barbican and then onto London museum to see the old London exhibitions.

London Roman Wall

After a couple of hours there it was back up to hotel to get our bags and finally make our way slowly back to Greenwich with mandatory rest stops along way. Caught up with Leann at Daveys for a debrief of weekend, then home for dinner.

Our East End weekend was a great success and now girls are at work and I am doing the admin chores after a full weekend.

Friday 31 August 2018

Return London

Great morning with sun out saw me hop on the river cruise in Bath. A leisurely cruise between the 2 weirs from Bath to Bathampton Mill. Pretty countryside and some more history learned including the Bathampton Toll Bridge which was built privately and is still owned privately and generates a nice sum for the owners at 80 pence a car with 4000 crossing daily!

Bathampton Mill weir and toll bridge

After another stroll around town it was back on the train to Paddington. Caught up with Fi there and we went to a pop up bar with her work crew and also joined by Tezza and Steph as well.

Hours wound past and late in evening we made our way back via Paddinton station and decided on Uber home.

Worse for wear (Me not the bear)

So up this morning with some tidying up to do and then I am checking into Hotel in London proper fo 2 days with Fi. Going to a show tonight with Leah and then spending a day in Shoreditch area.

Will keep you posted when I can.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Bath for a couple of days

I mean I did not need a bath, rather in Bath to check it out.

Easy trip from London on train and the town is lovely. Architecture and buildings in the local limestone is wonderful.

True Georgeon

In any case I did the hop on hop off bus around and saw the sights. Naturally had to visit the Roman Baths which do not look inviting in their natural green state.

Your choice?

In any case great day and then I retired to the Royal Hotel directly across road from train station. Lovely rooms, and of some architectural importance designed by Brunel.

Went to the Huntsman Inn for dinner and joined a Bizarre Bath Comedy Walk. Very much fun for an hour and a half around the town. Notihng historical but some hysterical.

Up today for morning around before heading off to London.

Monday 27 August 2018

Bank Holiday weekend

Well the summer is over and normal weather with clouds and showers. We managed a BBQ on Saturday with weather holding enough for the afternoon.

Friends Sarah and Romano joined us and we had lamb and chicken skewers, whilst the girls did fantastic dips and salads in mid-east theme. We partied on until around midnight.

Up Sunday to a dreary day but headed to Queens Park for Sunday roast. Caught up with the Hughes clan including Tezza and Steph, the parents from Australia.

Moo and Shane

Finished up there and us 3 made our way back home.

Up today

Friday 24 August 2018

Leisurely times

Quietish week, with the interlopers (Mums) gone, but managed a few things around. Did the lawn just to show Peter I can do it nearly as good as him!

Ashburnam Garden

Cooked a Piri Piri Sea Bass dinner for the girls one night which went down a treat and the fish was superb from Prykes Fish Monger. After that just been around so that cleaner could come and awaiting grocery order today.

In my travels I went past the Cutty Sark Hotel again and it is nice although only circa 1795! Almost a babe!

Cutty Sark Hotel near Union Wharf

Did note something new which was ropes tours of the actual Carty Sark at Greenwich! Note the person climbing out on the bowsprit!

Cutty Sark

Looked exciting but unsure of cost although I doubt Fi would ever be interested.

Long weekend coming up and after that schools start back so a better time to see things. We are planning a BBQ on Saturday and maybe go to Notting Hill carnival on the Monday.

Will post again when I can.

Monday 20 August 2018

Out and about

After a slow start Fi, Leann and I decided we needed to get out so off we trecked down the river for a leisurely stroll.

Past Cutty Sark (boat) we ambled east past the Trafalgar Hotel, then the Yacht Hotel before we came to the Trinity Hospital which is now sheltered accomodation. Continuing east we passed the Cutty Sark Hotel before resting at the Pelton Arms pub. Hmmm notice my bearings seem to involve hotels!

Trinity Hospital Greenwich circa 1613

In any case a quick brew there saw us return along the river and area was heaving as sun had come out for the afternoon.

Outlook from Cutty Sark Hotel over the O2

We stopped at the Gypsy Moth Hotel for one refresher and decide the crowds there were too much so continued our way back to Davys Wine Bar where we settled on an early dinner.

Just a lovely early evening there before heading home pleased we had walked about 6 km and had a fairly early evening with the girls having to go to work in morning.

All quiet here and this week will be calm at this stage.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Catch up time and Brighton

Early rise on Wednesday saw Mum and I off to Gatwick for her trip home.

Last night in London for Mum

After successfully embarking her on way I made my way back to Greenwich and spent a couple of quiet days washing bedding etc after all the ladies had left.

Saturday we were off to Brighton to see Steph and Joe, so more sausage rolls were made.

The butchers at Drings subbed me the mince this time as long as I gave them some! I made a big batch and dutifully supplied them with 2 dozen! Went off a treat!

So armed with sausage rolls, Fi's coleslaw and a few refreshments we trained the hour to Brighton.

The view from Steph and Joe's

A great day was had with friends and we headed back to London late on the choo choo.

Couple of wind down drinks at home and then all off to bed. Up today and we are all a tad quiet. Will see what day holds.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Trafalgar square and National Gallery

Mum's last days so we needed some culture before her departure. Train and tubed it to Charring Cross to emerge under the spire of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.

Nelson's Column

The square was not as packed as I have seen it although that seemed to change as the time rolled on. Mum looked at the street performers then we made our way into the National Gallery which sits on the edge of the square.

National Gallery with strange creature!

Inside was packed and dodging great swathes of tourists with their guides we managed to see a fair bit of the remarkable treasures on offer. Had to wait at times for large groups to finish in front of some of the more famous paintings.

Another Rembrandt

Once past the older religious paintings it was on to the masters and they are wonderful.

Caravaggio's Last supper

Through them and into the English paintings of Constable, Turner, Gainsborough and the like we  finished up and took the route back home where we were glad to put our feet up.

I slipped out to the Mordern Arms for a refresher and was home when the girls got back. Fairly quiet night after dinner sees mum and I up. She is packing for early departure tomorrow and I am off to shops to get fixings for dinner and othe supplies (wine).

Plan is for home cooked last meal and ealy rise.... Will see how that goes!

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Farewell Kath and Shirley

And then there were 4. Last days with Kath and Shirley saw us in a more sombre mood. We had an obigatory drink at Davy's wine bar on the Sunday after a little last minute shopping.

Mum and Kath at Davy's

Monday saw Kath slaving over the oven making shortbread! Cannot stop the woman once her mind is set! After that we wandered down to Geenwich markets for another look around but it appears the ladies had bought everything on previous occasions.

Kath and Fi went to a restaurarant for a mother daughter catch up and then Kath had her hair done in preparation for the trip home.

St Alfeges church Greenwich
(Henry VIII and Elizabeth 1 were both christened here)

Home we had Turkish feast for last night then Kath and Shirley had their cab pick up at 8.30. Not too many tears then only Fi, Leann, mum and I left.

Up today for maybe a trip to town as the girls have gone to work, then preparation for mum leaving early Thursday.


Sunday 12 August 2018

Cornwall, Devon, and car parks!

Well finally back after eventful travels. As advised our Wednesday travels were hampered by traffic, which did not improve over the 4 days. More of that later!

In any case we awoke at Tyacks Pub at Camborne on the Friday and after a friendly breakfast we headed off to Redruth for a look around Found it difficult to stop anywhere to explore and it is quite hilly so not condusive to the Mum's walking.

Our battles with the built in Mercedes Sat Nav (to be referred to as Bitchface from now on) continued as we asked for a place of interest nearby and it presented us with 'Discover Cornwall'. We dutifully followed her to a point in the middle of a forrest, through roads built for small donkeys! Nothing to see so that was Discover Cornwall!

Our next stop was Portreath which was a lovely beach although a bit windy on the day. We wanted to visit St Ives which we found and it was packed with holiday makers. Also not a great place for the Mum's as you need to be part goat, so we drove through the old town, a nightmare drive with narrow roads. The streets were full of people literally, and we had to push through in the car.

Picked out a smaller village on the map and headed off to St Just. Beautiful countryside and on our way we were presented with somewhere to stop and enjoy the vista over Penzance Bay to St Michaels Mount.

St Michaels Mount from the hillsides

On to St Just which presented as lovely village replete with a bakery that purported to be the oldest Cornish Pasty maker in the world! Naturally we all had a Cornish Pasty and a quick drink in the local.

St Just Church

Back on the road we followed our nose and were on way to Penzance. Through lovely countryside and the village of Trethewey where Leann's ancestors hailed from. We wanted to visit Minack theatre but it was not open to visitors as there was a performance on!

Off through Mousehole, which is really the cutest little place but if I complained about driving in St Ives, well Mousehole is even tighter. We were forced backwards at one point by a van coming the other way.  Unable to find anywhere to stop we continued on to Penzance and our digs at the Union Hotel for the night.

Again the friendliest welcome. The people are great. Just an ordinary pub from road but behind contains the 2nd oldest theatre in UK! It was here in the theatre that the first anouncement of Nelson's victory at Trafalgar was announced in 1805!

The theatre

The pub cntains much memorabilia of Nelson and the old theatre bills. Also has Nelson's death mask on the wall!

Nelson's death mask

We dined across the road at a lovely restaurant where Kath and Fi enjoed lovely local seafood of mussels solo for Kath and in a chowder for Fi, then fish. Sated we retired to our rooms for our travel to Salisbury the next day.

We had plenty of time in the day so we went back to Redruth to try and see the Carn Brea Castle and monument which is a wonderfu story in its own right. Please see Carn Brea. Well the only issue is there is no easy way to get there nor signs! Well I lie! After driving through more goat tracks we did find one tiny sign that pointed us up the hill. We could not go on as it turned to gravel so our photo was from afar!

Carn Brea monument

Again disappointed we headed off for what was to be a leisurlely drive to Salisbury stopping for lunch on way, hopefully to get there in time to see the Cathedral which closes at 5.00.

So much for that plan. A car park for most of the day with traffic banked for miles around ludicrous roundabouts and merging vehicles. On the day which included our morning to Redruth we travelled 180 miles in 9 hours of driving queued forever! We saw a lot of cars and the inside of the Mercedes and not much else. Stuck for hours rest stops were at a premium and obviously the same for all other travellers the toilets were queued as well!

Missed the cathedral as we finally arrived in Salisbury at 6.30 pm. Again checked into hotel and that first drink was a welcome needed thing!

Decided to book into an old pub for dinner.

Poultry Cross Salisbury

The Haunch of Venison is over 700 years old! The pub is tiny with a small snug up 3 steps and a restaurant on first floor.

The sign!

This is whole bar area!

Well naturally they served venison and I had the triple of loin, sausages and pulled venison. Washed down later with a Drambuie it almost blotted out the days events. 

So in order to get car back to London we left early and naturally the days travel was a breeze and we got back in plenty of time to drop off the ladies then the car.

Leann welcomed and prepared a sumptuous dinner and Shirly returned from the wedding and we had a few drinks into the evening.

The crew at home
Leann, Kath, Clare, Fi, Shirley and moi!

Off to bed late and we are slowly getting things done. Last few days were memorable for all wrong reasons but the people in Cornwall and Devon are lovely.

Until next time.