Saturday 8 September 2018

Vive Monpazier

Friday saw us up early for the quick DLR trip to London City Airport. Cute small airport was a dream to get through. Flight to Bergerac (only a tad over hour) was also quick and we picked up hire car.

Bergerac airport is even smaller and we literally did customs in a tin shed!

Anyway a 40 minute drive getting used to wrong side of road brought us to picture postcard Monpazier.

Peter and Wendy and family were out so we let ourselves in and explored town.

Monpazier square
Apparently we missed market day but loved wandering around this old Batiste town.

Back to the 14 th century house after a couple of beers we awaited the crews return.

They arrived and a great night ensued. Fi got on famously and many drinks later we got to bed.

Don, Vicki, Wendy, Bob, Pat,
Peter, Fi, and I

House has 4 bedrooms each with own bathroom, so very comfortable.

Up this morning awaiting our tour director (Wendy) to tell us what we will see today.

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