Wednesday 26 September 2018

London on foot

With my holiday winding down it was time to do a bit of London. Met Fi for lunch in Paddington then I wandered off through Hyde Park back towards Westminter. Glorious day and lots of people enjoying the first days of Autumn.

Serpentine with some strange installation

Continued on my way and then added St James Park into my travels. Stopped for a rest there and then made my way back towards Buckingham Palace Road.

Westminster Cathedral

Caught up with Leann's friend Meghan at B Bar where the others all assembled for dinner. Nice evening and then it was a tube and train home for a well needed rest. Managed 16,000 steps in my afternoon wanderings so today I am catching up here.

Last 2 days of holidays now but I have decided to come back for Xmas. Not sure what I am thinking but if there is a chance of a white one then it may be ok!

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