Monday 10 September 2018

Dordogne area and chateaus

Saturday saw us all packed into the 9 seater people mover they had hired and with Pete the chauffeur we took off to Sarlat to see the market there. Well it was huge! 8 of us went off in our own directions without working on a meeting point, so this was going to be fun!

When I say huge, I mean we went down the street and it kept going, around a corner it continued as far as eye could see.

Sarlat market

In any case Fi and I had a great look around and caught up with Bob and Pat at one point and set a meeting spot at 1.30 to tell the others if we saw them. After seeing so much including the food and countless pate de fois gras stands we met Bob and Pat but none of us had seen the others.

So we sat down for a coffee then I went back n to locate others. Found Pete and Wendy as the market was clearing at 2.00. We 6 then made our way to a restaurant for lunch and eventually located Don and Vicki.

Well fed on duck (was only choice) we made our way back to car and as the stalls had moved we could actually see the place.

Sarlat architecture

From there we had a country drive and stopped at Cro-Magnon where the bones were found. Nearly lost Bob but he was found safe in a bar with beer in hand!

Returning back to Monpazier was easy and on out return some of us wiled away our time at the square with a welcome beer.

We had a booking at restaurant for that night and at 8.00 we sat down and had a great meal with the local wines.

The area is in Bordeaux so the local wines by carafe were great. I had the rabbit for a main as did 4 other and it was superb.

Back home for a few after dinner drinks saw us all of to bed.

Up Sunday and only 4 of us headed out for day as the others wanted the down time after their first hectic week having had 4 days in Paris before arriving.

Villereal church with 3 bells

Well our first stop was because we saw a large church so Pete the driver was asked to stop. The church has 3 huge bells in tower. There was also an interesting antique market on so naturally we had to stop for a poke around.

Then it was off to Issigeac for another market! Guess you are getting idea of tour director Wendy's plans!

In any case a smaller market than Sarlat, however many of same stallholders! After a bit there we headed off to a medieval town of Beaumont. I am still trying to figure why some are Bastide and some are medieval.

In any case another beautiful place with the defensible church inside the walled town.

Church at Beaumont

Our plan was for lunch but it appears that the French on Sundays close off at 2.00. So we decided to head towards river and hopefully find a larger pace where we could feed.

In any case we headed north and soon fell across a majestic chateau overlooking a valley and perched upon a rock.

Chateau de Bannes

It is a private estate and is majestic. A quick look to get some photos and off we headed towards Lalinde where we expected some sort of eating establishment on river Dordogne.

Again beautiful area but no eatery open anywhere.

Lalinde on the river Dordogne

we commented that with such a lovely river and views a pub/cafe on river would clean up. In any case with the hunger biting we returned to Monpazier where we had tucker!

So with Fi and I having to leave at 6.00 we made up platters and enjoyed wonderful company for a couple of hours.

Quick drive to Bergerac to drop off car and then the quaint airport which is so civilised. Easy through with a bar, so we recapped our days before leaving France

Arrival in London City Airport has helped regain my faith in how travel should be. Quick efficient and w were soon on our way back to Greenwich.

Up today and Fi has gone to work. I am left with the washing etc, but all is good. My nephew Sam is arriving today for a couple of days, so until next time. Au Revoir.

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