Wednesday 19 September 2018

Cascais to Porto

Well Finally and I are on the train to Porto, so I can catch up with the blog.

Cascais was great although our accommodation was not up to scratch. More a glorified backpackers than what we thought. Although we had our own bathroom, the bath was under a roof line so could not stand for shower.

In any case we did second day in Lisbon and it was lovely.


After the day doing the sights we returned to Cascais for second evening and another scrumptious meal in traditional Portuguese style.

Up on Monday, it was time to do Cascais properly. We did long day of walking managing 24,000 steps. Not bad considering it was a glorified pub crawl.

Down first to Boca Do Inferno, which is a natural rock formation.

Boca Do Inferno

Back around town and saw great architecture of the area.

Settled down in afternoon with sangria at a cute bar, before heading home.

Sunshine Sangria

Out for dinner at the Marina after we had a sundowner at the posh Farol Hotel overlooking the Atlantic.

After dinner a couple more then it was up to make our way to Lisbon for the 3 hour train trip to Porto.

Got here and apartment is spectacular overlooking the square and sumptuously appointed. What a change from Cascais.

View from balcony

Bern was there to meet us and later Dave and the boys joined us before we head out for dinner.

Up this morning with no plans except to explore.

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