Wednesday 15 August 2018

Trafalgar square and National Gallery

Mum's last days so we needed some culture before her departure. Train and tubed it to Charring Cross to emerge under the spire of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.

Nelson's Column

The square was not as packed as I have seen it although that seemed to change as the time rolled on. Mum looked at the street performers then we made our way into the National Gallery which sits on the edge of the square.

National Gallery with strange creature!

Inside was packed and dodging great swathes of tourists with their guides we managed to see a fair bit of the remarkable treasures on offer. Had to wait at times for large groups to finish in front of some of the more famous paintings.

Another Rembrandt

Once past the older religious paintings it was on to the masters and they are wonderful.

Caravaggio's Last supper

Through them and into the English paintings of Constable, Turner, Gainsborough and the like we  finished up and took the route back home where we were glad to put our feet up.

I slipped out to the Mordern Arms for a refresher and was home when the girls got back. Fairly quiet night after dinner sees mum and I up. She is packing for early departure tomorrow and I am off to shops to get fixings for dinner and othe supplies (wine).

Plan is for home cooked last meal and ealy rise.... Will see how that goes!

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