Saturday 4 August 2018

Oxford for the uneducated

On mum's list was a visit to Oxford. Years of watching Morse and Lewis ensured this was a must do!

A hot day was forecast so loaded with water we tubed to Paddington for the hour tain ride to the hallowed university town.

As I have done before we did the hop on hop off bus which gives you a great overview

Astronomy Hall

We got off near the Bodlean theatre and wandered through a couple of quads and streets. A little walk up to the High Street followed for a quick bite for lunch then past the Randolph Hotel and Ashmoleum museum.

Mum ticked off all the things she wanted to see so back on bus back to train station.

Cute places abound

Back to Paddington then a hot tube ride back home saw us happy but tired. Later on we all met up with the girls after they finished work at the wine bar and then moseyed home to sit in the twilight of the garden.

Up today to do some things and who knows what we will see in next couple of days.

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