Friday 24 August 2018

Leisurely times

Quietish week, with the interlopers (Mums) gone, but managed a few things around. Did the lawn just to show Peter I can do it nearly as good as him!

Ashburnam Garden

Cooked a Piri Piri Sea Bass dinner for the girls one night which went down a treat and the fish was superb from Prykes Fish Monger. After that just been around so that cleaner could come and awaiting grocery order today.

In my travels I went past the Cutty Sark Hotel again and it is nice although only circa 1795! Almost a babe!

Cutty Sark Hotel near Union Wharf

Did note something new which was ropes tours of the actual Carty Sark at Greenwich! Note the person climbing out on the bowsprit!

Cutty Sark

Looked exciting but unsure of cost although I doubt Fi would ever be interested.

Long weekend coming up and after that schools start back so a better time to see things. We are planning a BBQ on Saturday and maybe go to Notting Hill carnival on the Monday.

Will post again when I can.

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