Monday 23 July 2018

Backyard BBQ

Weather here is great at moment and looks like being close to 30 degrees all week. Nice for me but UK is very dry and grass is brown in all the parks. They are talking water restrictions shortly!

Anyway Sunday saw us up and preparing for BBQ. Kept it simple with 3 sorts of sausages and marinated chicken wings. All went well with lovely salads and early snacks. Our visitors arrived and we had one extra stay over!

As you do!

Was up at 4.30 this morning to take Mum to Waterloo where she met her coach tour. She is off for 5 nights heading west firstly to Stonehenge, Bath then Cardiff for first night. Then heads north to Liverpool for next night then onto Edinburgh for 2 nights. Travels south then to York for last night before returning to London via Stratford upon Avon.

Left here alone after all had departed, I then cleaned up after yesterday and now reposing. 

We are booked with some friends to see Strictly Ballroom tomorrow night at West End so no rest for me!

Until next time.

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