Tuesday 31 July 2018

Out and about Greenwich

Last couple of days saw us mostly at home waiting for weather. Shirley returned from Wales and her and Kath left for Malta yesterday.

Nicer day today so Mum and I toddled down to Greenwich proper and with sun out able to get some nicer pictures of the area.

Cutty Sark

We went through parts of the old naval college and sadly the Painted Hall is still being renovated so unable to see the full ceiling. Went to the chapel, which is great in its own right.

The old navel college was built on the site of the old Greenwich Palace which was demolished in 1641 to make way for the christophe wren inspired college. As below it was where Henry VIII, Mary and first Lizzie were born. They were also baptised in the Greenwich St Alfreges church.


We wandered a bit and then made our way back to the High St for a welcome cup of coffee.

Part of Naval Colege

After that we came back via sipermarket and now resting up again. Hopefully weather will hold and we will attempt the London tour tomorrow.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Mum back and endless summer over

Friday was hot for here and the weather broke with a thunderstorm. Although not to my standard, they were suitably impressed here.

Behind the storm the wind blew all day Saturday and was a lot cooler. Guess they will whinge about that now.

Waterloo station

In any case mum got back to Waterloo area on the Saturday afternoon, and Fi and I met her. Quite busy in town with a cycle race closed off most of city area to traffic.

We made our way back to Greenwich and then went to pub for dinner. Back home saw us pull up stumps fairly early.

Rainy here this morning, so will see what happens with day. Major lamb roast planned for tonight, and maybe we will get down to markets.

Friday 27 July 2018

Mews night and sausage rolls

So spent a day at home preparing some chilli sausage rolls, which is a rod I have created for my own back, as they are now expected every year when I go to the Mews for a visit!

In any case after much chopping and numbed fingers they turned out pretty good.

All done yummo

With the girls at work, Kath and I just relaxed and as the london summer has kicked in properly with tmps every day over 30, we opted for the air conditioned ride in a Uber rather than the heat of the tube.

Loaded with sausage rolls and drinks we were able to see a beautiful day on our way from Greenwich to Paddington. Everyone in shorts and cool clothes as the temp in town got to around 34 as we passed through.

Over Vauxhall bridge and passed Buckingham Palace was a lovely look at the sights

Liz was not in so she missed out on sausage rolls

Arrived in the Mews at Paddington around 6.00 pm and settled in with the crew outside Ally's. Temps came down and it was a very pleasant evening.

And there was chatting!

We were sated with cheeses and the sausage rolls, and washed down with a mix of cool beverages the conversation flowed and it was great to catch up as well to meet some new people. All things must come to an end so around midnight, Fi, Kath, Leann, and I got a Uber home.

Fi and Leann were up earl to go to work, whilst Kath and I were able to sleep in! Up now just doing a few things before I step out to shops to get fixings for a small BBQ for 3 of us tonight as Leann is off to a friends. 

Mum gets back tomorrow so house will fill up for a couple of days until Kath goes off to Malta. Until next time.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

West End dancing all the way

Following a couple of lazy days, Kathy and I cruised into Piccadilly in the afternoon and ensconsed ourselves at 'The Queens Head' next door to the Picadilly Theatre. Quaint old pub established in 1738. However, with the hot westher was good as one of the few air conditioned pubs around!

Plaque outside Queens Head

Scott, Leah, and Fi arrived and after a quencher we went net door to see the show. Well the stage production of Strictly Ballroom was great. The main 2 characters Scott and the MC were unbelievable, never off stage foe more than a minute and dancing fo the whole time! What a work out.

Picadilly Theatre

After the show we had a quick drink then it was everyone off in all directions home. A great night all round and up today with some cooking to do and some things around house.

Monday 23 July 2018

Backyard BBQ

Weather here is great at moment and looks like being close to 30 degrees all week. Nice for me but UK is very dry and grass is brown in all the parks. They are talking water restrictions shortly!

Anyway Sunday saw us up and preparing for BBQ. Kept it simple with 3 sorts of sausages and marinated chicken wings. All went well with lovely salads and early snacks. Our visitors arrived and we had one extra stay over!

As you do!

Was up at 4.30 this morning to take Mum to Waterloo where she met her coach tour. She is off for 5 nights heading west firstly to Stonehenge, Bath then Cardiff for first night. Then heads north to Liverpool for next night then onto Edinburgh for 2 nights. Travels south then to York for last night before returning to London via Stratford upon Avon.

Left here alone after all had departed, I then cleaned up after yesterday and now reposing. 

We are booked with some friends to see Strictly Ballroom tomorrow night at West End so no rest for me!

Until next time.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Sunday arrives

After all getting ready for the day and loading the slow cooker, the mums Fi and I went down to Greenwich proper.

Kath had to sort her phone, then mandatory stroll through markets.

Ladies naturally bought some things, then we stopped at Gypsy Moth pub for a cool drink. Although it was a bit overcast, still quite warm.

From there we put the mums on the DLR back and Fi and I went to shops for BBQ fixings for the day. Heavily laden on way home, we stopped for a couple of refreshers at Daveys.

Back home we all settled in and dined Al fresco in garden. Lovely evening.

So up this morning with BBQ today. Still have to build the sidetables, but procrastination is a wonderful thing!

Until next time.

The weekend arrives

After Kathy and Clare had breakfast it was off to Deptford for a visit. Took the train one stop and found the markets there.

The ladies strolled around and I got phones sorted for mum and I. We also got fixings for Saturday nightslow cooked dinner and a few things from hardware shop.

Under the arches at station

An enjoyable coffee later at the newer area around station, and we headed back home.

I headed down to pub for a couple before coming back as we were booked into Ashburnam Arms for dinner at 8.00. This pub is literally 200 metres away!

Joined by Leann and Fi, we are what was left on menu. They had been cleaned out by a large party. Was nice in any case and then home for a reasonably early night.

Up today to prepare for BBQ tomorrow and chores. Well I have been charged with assembling a couple of bedside cabinets. I fear my skills have been greatly overestimated. Will advise!

Thursday 19 July 2018

Greenwich welcome

After the 30 hours door to door, Mum and I were met at the door by Fiona's mum Kathy. Showers were first on agenda, then a cuppa.

I left the mums and toddled off to the Mordern Arms for a few well deserved pints.

Organised with Fi to meet at Davey's wine bar at 6.00 pm and that put me straight back into London feel! Quiet dinner at home saw me and mum sated and tired.

Up this morning after much needed sleep, and ready for first day.

Skitty cat came to welcome as well

A few things to do today organising mum's tour and will write again soon.